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Ministry of Social Development in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund conducted a national consultation to discuss the implementation of provisions of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of violence against women (CEDAW) within the framework of the international obligations undertaken by Kyrgyzstan.

The event was attended by representatives of ministries and agencies, international organizations, civil society and the expert community.

Kyrgyzstan ratified the Convention in 1996. In accordance with national commitments our country in 1999 presented the first report on CEDAW, the second was sent to CEDAW Committee in 2002 and in 2008 the country presented the third periodic report.

Minister of social development also noted that there are still a lot of unsolved problems in many sectors. High rates of maternal mortality, labor migration, early marriage, widespread domestic and gender violence, all these issues require our combined strength, energy and resources.

25 February 2015 the state delegation will present its fourth periodic report in Geneva for CEDAW Committee review.