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Call for Sessions and Papers 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference

Call for Sessions and Papers 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference

Press Release

Call for Sessions and Papers 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference

calendar_today 19 April 2021

Call for Sessions and Papers 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference

Call for Sessions and Papers

7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference

October 26-28, 2021 


The Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia (UCA), the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), and ISDC - International Security and Development Center invite submission of proposals for sessions and individual research papers for the 7th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference, to be held online during October 26-28, 2021. The conference is supported by American University Central Asia (AUCA), Mercy Corps, UNFPA, and the World Bank. 


We invite the submission of proposals for entire sessions (comprising of three to four papers) or for individual research papers studying various aspects of socio-economic development in Kyrgyzstan or Central Asia. We welcome empirical papers using panel micro data, especially panel data from the 'Life in Kyrgyzstan Study', which is openly accessible at http://idsc.iza.org/lik


The topics of individual submissions or entire sessions may include but are not limited to:

  • Living with Covid-19
  • Employment, entrepreneurship and informality;
  • Migration and remittances;
  • Poverty and inequality;
  • Social protection and social safety nets;
  • Gender, children and intra-household decision making;
  • Education and health outcomes;
  • Nutrition and food security;
  • Demography, population dynamics; 
  • Rural livelihoods and agricultural markets;
  • Impacts of trade and integration reforms;
  • Public services and decentralization;
  • Social capital and social cohesion;
  • Peace-building, trust and expectations;
  • Climate change and its impact;
  • Sustainable development goals.
  • Micro-level data, survey methodology and panel data collection; 
  • Methods of rigorous impact evaluation.

Please send your submission by 12 June 2021 to the email address likconference2021@gmail.com. For session proposals, please list a session title, a session chair (with name and affiliation), a session organizer (with name and affiliation) and the titles and all co-authors (with names and affiliations) for each paper and enclose a 200-word session summary. For submissions of individual papers, we prefer to receive and will give priority to full papers but will also consider submissions of 200-word abstracts. The submissions should be in English. Shortlisted applicants will be notified by 30 June 2021.


The conference will be held online. If public health conditions related to the Corona pandemic improve by the time of the conference, the organisers may have some sessions organised in person in a venue in Bishkek to be identified. The languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


There is no conference fee. Registration for participation in the conference, including for experts wishing to attend the conference without presenting a paper, will close on 20 October 2021. For further information on the Life in Kyrgyzstan Study, please see www.lifeinkyrgyzstan.org or send a message to likconference2021@gmail.com