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The UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) started its activities in Kyrgyzstan in response to the request of the government to build peace after the tragic events of June of 2010. During the 2010-2012 the Fund allocated to Kyrgyzstan 10 million USD for immediate response projects to build peace and trust in country’s regions affected by the conflict.

As a response to the request of President Atambaev made in the fall of 2012 the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon approved allocation of additional funds for systemic peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan and building institutional foundations to prevent recurrence of conflicts in future.

A Joint Steering Committee (JSC) was created by the decree of President in the spring of 2013 to formulate a peacebuilding plan and approve projects for its implementation. JSC consists of 28 people representing the parliament of the country, offices of the President and of the Government, governmental agencies, civil society organizations and UN agencies. JSC reviewed a report on peacebuilding needs analysis and in June of 2013 approved the Peacebuilding Priorities Plan (PPP) which was based on this analysis. Analysis was based on the results of more than 120 interviews, workshops in Osh and Bishkek, various conflicts assessment reports, as well as on main ideas of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (2013-2017), the Concept on Strengthening the National Unity and Interethnic Relations approved in 2013, the United Nations Development Framework (UNDAF) for 2012-2016, National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security approved in 2013 and other documents which considered country’s needs for development in the post-conflict period.

The PPP was approved by the JSC and the PBF. PBF allocated USD 15.1 million to achieve the 3 peacebuilding priority outcomes articulated in President Atambaev’s letter to SG and in the PPP:

Critical laws, policies, reforms and recommendations of human rights mechanisms, including Universal Periodic Review, are implemented to uphold the rule of law, improve access to justice and respect, protect and fulfill human rights.

Local self-government bodies, in partnership with related state institutions, and civil society, bridge divisions and reduce local tensions.

Policies, pilot initiatives and approaches are developed and implemented that enable the further development of a common civic identity, multilingual education and respect for diversity and minority rights.

To achieve these outcomes, projects needed to be designed. UN agencies therefore developed 20 concept notes. A Technical Expert Group (TEG) comprised of members from the UN Expert Group selected the most relevant concepts that were subsequently invited to prepare full project proposals. 10 projects were developed by UN agencies and reviewed by an independent Technical Review Group (TRG) and the JSC. As a result of review of proposals by JSC the following 2 UNFPA projects were supported and approved by the JSC at the end of 2013: 1. Multisectorial Cooperation for Inter-ethnic Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, 2. Youth for Peaceful change.