In 2010-2013 UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO implemented a project “Ensuring access to affordable health services for women and children” in 20 maternity and 52 primary health care facilities in Batken and Osh provinces and in one tertiary level referral the National Mother and Child Centre.
The project aimed to strengthen the Government to realize the National Perinatal Care Programme for 2008-2017 by improving the quality of maternal and newborn services and thus to accelerate the progress towards achieving the MDG 4 and 5. As a result of the project, more than 45 % of women and newborns have access to good quality, evidence-based effective perinatal care services, 65% women were birth prepared and women’s knowledge of obstetric complications increased by 40% enabling them to seek emergency care in time.
The Osh birth preparedness school was set up to increase the knowledge of mothers of issue related pregnancy and delivery, such as non-pharmacological methods of pain, position during labour, breastfeeding and nutrition care.
Through awareness raising and inviting partners: husband or mother to Osh’s school, women were supported to follow medical recommendations, encouraged to decision making and community had knowledge a key danger signs during this period. Women are now more likely to have their blood pressure measured and physical examination.
Of the all birth preparedness practices, family had saved money using the prepared birth plan and community had received information materials. A birth-preparedness intervention substantially increased the use-rate of emergency obstetric services as well as increased utilization of antenatal and post-partum care.