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Visit to maternity house of the National Mother and Child Health Center

Visit to maternity house of the National Mother and Child Health Center


Visit to maternity house of the National Mother and Child Health Center

calendar_today 13 May 2016

The maternity house staff
The Kyrgyz Republic continues to implement actions to improve maternal health and address issues contributing to maternal mortality through the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) action plan, which is integrated into the work plan of the Den Sooluk national health reform program and implemented through the Sector-Wide Approach.

On May 6, the UN mission visited the maternity to meet with Minister of Health, Head, the National Mother and Child  Center ( NMCH)and health care providers  in the maternity under the NMCH .  Minister of health, Dr. Talantbek Batyraliev welcomed to the UN mission and expressed thanks for continuing cooperation.

During the speech of the Minister of health , he highlighted that on the policy and planning front, there are gaps between existing supportive fund for maternal health and on-the-ground implementation. The overall budget for health is inadequate and existing provider payment methods do not have a quality dimension. The gradual deterioration of infrastructure – including sustainable supply of energy and heating, sanitation, proper transportation services – is hampering efforts to improve quality.

He underscored that a greater emphasis should be placed on working with other Ministries and investment in accessing of water, sewage and infrastructure. He emphasized that Ministry of Health continues supporting implementation of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Death (CEMD) and since 2006, the Government provided free health-care services for children under 5 years of age and women during pregnancy and childbirth under the program of State Benefit Guaranteed package.

The Minister of Health also praised the implementation on MAF supported  by UN system the as an effective catalyst for collective action, and noted various successes but conceded that work remained to be done.

The Head of MCH Center, Kamchibek Uzakbaev added that a strong mechanism for improved coordination, partnership and accountability at the country level the MAF implementation could serve as a vehicle for improving health in the future. He stressed the need for MDG5 acceleration framework was timely to ensure that the gains made for the maternal health improvement are irreversible, by addressing the challenges posed to strengthening capacity of health care providers towards improving emergency care for women with complicated deliveries, procured equipment for maternity hospitals and referral system.

He emphasized the importance of accelerating MDG implementation so as to have greater credibility in the future. During closing remarks, he noted that the MAF showed focused international efforts i.e. UN system can make a difference, and urged UN system to continue work together to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, and to establish strong perinatal referral system. Then, the UN mission got acquainted with delivery, postnatal and neonatal units.

For information:

Kyrgyzstan has not achieved the MDG 5. Currently Kyrgyzstan (50.7 per 100 000 live births in 2014) has the highest maternal mortality ratio among countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia that is mainly related to quality of maternal health services.

Given the lack of sustained progress toward achieving MDG 5, the Government of Kyrgyzstan and UN system decided to apply MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) in 2013 and identify high impact feasible solutions that will accelerate progress towards achieving MDG 5. Based on the analysis, an action plan that includes the priority strategic interventions was developed. The plan became integral part of the healthcare reform program “Den Sooluk” implemented under sector-wide approach (SWAp). Kyrgyzstan has made a good progress in implementing MAF Action Plan.

The Maternity House of the National Center of Maternal and Child Health under the Ministry of Health provides tertiary level care in antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods for pregnant women throughout the country.  The center provides quality health care to women and their babies who have highly complex clinical needs and require a highly skilled multidiscipline team of specialists.

As a tertiary care level hospital, the maternity house of the National Mother and Child Health Center played important role in coordinating implementation of the MAF Action Plan.

In total, 4304 births took place in the maternity house last year. In 2014 Center provided services for 765 urban and 3444 village citizens. Cesarean section cases constituted 1028 of total number of deliveries.  In 2014 hemorrhage (47 cases) made up 1.0% of the total number of births versus (37 cases) 1.8% in 2013. In 2014, the number of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy occurred in 426 women, representing 9.9% of total births. In 2014, 4274 babies were born, while in 2013 – 3940, birth rate increased by 7.8%. The share of prematurity was 12% in 2014 and 12.3% in 2013.