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Youth Wellbeing and Development Index in Kyrgyz Republic

Youth Wellbeing and Development Index in Kyrgyz Republic
Youth Wellbeing and Development Index in Kyrgyz Republic


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Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic


Youth Wellbeing and Development Index in Kyrgyz Republic

Publication date

28 December 2022

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The YWDI is an analytical comprehensive indicator of the dynamics of change in the situation of youth in the Kyrgyz Republic, viewed through: - development - as a process of irreversible quantitative and qualitative changes according to established criteria; - well-being - as social, physiological, psychological, and material condition of youth.

The purpose of the YWDI is to determine the main directions of youth policy development and improve the quality of decisions made at the national and local levels concerning the youth of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

In 2022, the IRM calculation methodology was significantly improved by a group of experts by including a number of additional subindicators and indicators in the index. Each sphere has been structured and now includes five sections - 1) Global and international indices; 2) Opportunities for youth; 3) Youth needs and demands; 4) Mechanisms for implementing the youth agenda; 5) Youth satisfaction.