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Sexual & reproductive health

Sexual & reproductive health

Sexual & reproductive health

The program supports implementation of the National Healthcare Reforms Program “Den Sooluk” for 2012-2016 and National Reproductive Health Strategy and works on further integration of reproductive health issues, particularly family planning, into the general health services delivery system.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) is the main national partner of UNFPA. Building national capacity and strengthening national institutions is central to the financial support and technical assistance that UNFPA provides.  The UNFPA ongoing assistance focuses on developing higher quality and standards of Maternal Health/RH/FP service delivery and ensuring the availability of services with focus to poor and vulnerable population. SWAP is a priority for UNFPA in order to ensure that reproductive / maternal health and family planing issues are adequately addressed during the health reform implementation.

1. UNFPA works with MoH and other partners to strengthen Reproductive Health Commodity System (RHCS) and expands the range of contraceptives available in the Kyrgyz Republic. The country office also works with the Medicines Department of the MoH and Mandatory Health Insurance Fund to expand the list of modern contraceptives available in Essential Medicines List (EML) and Additional Drug Package of State-Guaranteed Benefit Package.  Experience and use of Logistic Information Management System (LMIS)/CHANNEL software will expand to other regions to manage contraceptive logistics.

2. UNFPA builds the capacity of health service providers and community-based health councils at central and regional levels to promote safe motherhood through effective Prenatal care and  the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Health in health facilities, integrates of FP services with SRH, HIV and STI services and integrates reproductive health into national emergency preparedness efforts.

3. Dialogue and involvement of religious leaders, women religious NGOs into the UNFPA programme activities in promoting RH/FP and gender equality is important part of UNFPA.

4. As part of the joint efforts between the Government and three agencies to maximize the UN’s contributions to Kyrgyzstan health development, the UN agencies works under the “Delivery the through One UN Programme”, a single planning framework that synthesizes the work of the Ministry of Health  and focused on Effective Perinatal and Antenatal Care. The UNFPA works with the MoH at provincial level to strengthen the capacity of health care providers on antenatal care and to set up the birth preparedness schools.

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