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National Emergency Response Plans (ERP) Expert\

In order to strengthen national resilience and capacities in Batken and Osh areas to contribute to their
humanitarian preparedness and response and address long-term needs of the affected population and
to gain knowledge, awareness and capacity of women, men, boys and religious leaders on GEWE and
GBV to lead the social norm transformation in the selected regions, UNFPA is seeking a national expert
who will provide technical support to the Governance office of Batken oblast and Emergency
Coordination Unit to develop the emergency response plan (ERP) for Batken oblast including
Kadamjay, Kyzyl-kiya and Leilek districts.
● Bachelor’s degree in social science, public/business administration or other related fields
● At least 3 years of working experience in project development and implementation,
development of legislation/policy papers with the focus on emergency, GBV and social cohesion
and/or gender equality (at least three policy papers);
● Experience with UN projects will be an asset;
● Fluency in Russian and Kyrgyz languages.